
My approach to design and theatre making is influenced by a desire to make exciting, theatrical experiences that are accessible to a wide range of people. My designs consider how to maximise audience interaction and participation, physically, cognitively and emotionally. I aim to engage people by presenting relevant content using multiple streams of interest from science to creative language, engineering to music, physical movement to visual art in order to appeal to a mix of personality types. In the last five years I have found myself surrounded by little people and new theatre audiences. And now, when designing my focus naturally centres on them. Faces lit up with excitement at a new discovery or small wonder such as shadow puppets made with torches, rain sounds made by putting some gravel in a pipe or joy at the unexpected; discovering real dirt concealed in a set and the chance to plant in it, inspires my work. The delight I see in the faces of audience members, is often derived from the simplicity and effectiveness of the design tricks they observe and the realisation that they can reproduce the effect at home. Encouraging people to create, explore, investigate, seek knowledge and learn new things, has become a major driving force behind my creative work.

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